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Specialist Services

Specialist Therapy Services for Children in Perth

In addition to our general therapy services we also offer specialist assessment and advice in the following areas;


Autism Services

Skillbuilders offers specialist therapy support for children with autism and their families. Our experienced therapists provide:

  • Assessment (including diagnostic assessment)

  • Individualised therapy programmes targeting key areas of communication, sensory processing, motor skills
    and social skills

  • Small group therapy programmes to assist children to prepare for kindergarten and more formal learning

  • Support and advice for parents and liaison with teachers

  • Assistive technology - support and provision

  • A strengths-based approach and a strong team culture of acceptance and support of neuro diversity 

Assistance with Children's Behaviour and Mental Health

Behaviour support is often requested by parents and teachers who are trying to deal with challenging behaviours. Some of these may present as aggression, anxiety, self harm, restrictive eating, toileting issues, school refusal, etc.

Often there are sensory processing difficulties contributing to the behaviour. One of our key roles in supporting children with mental health and/or behavioural issues is to identify sensory processing contributors and provide intervention and support accordingly.

Our assessment includes an analysis of the behavioural concerns and completion of a Sensory Profile with people close to the child. This then guides treatment options. 


Mealtime Management

Babies and children who struggle with eating and drinking are referred for OT and/or Speech Therapy. This can include children who are fussy eaters as well as children with a range of other eating difficulties, including those diagnosed with ARFID.

Our therapists are qualified and experienced in the use of SOS, MORE and other treatment approaches to support children in this area. Both individual and small group programmes are available.

High School Students:
Handwriting difficulties

Significant handwriting difficulties are often not identified for many children until they reach high school when it becomes evident that it's difficult for them to sustain functional handwriting skills when speed and legibility are required. Our Occupational Therapists are specialists in this area for Western Australia.

They offer a thorough assessment to determine the underlying cause to these difficulties (eg Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Developmental Coordination Disorder), and the degree of difficulty. They provide intervention accordingly and liaise with SCSA, the Schools Curriculum Standards Authority of WA as needed for exam provisions in high school.


Services for Schools

  • Screening programmes for speech and language

  • Screening programmes for motor skill development

  • Professional development workshops for teachers

  • Parent information sessions

Schools can request the topic and preferred format for their group. Some of our recent presentations for teachers and/or parents have included;

* Preparing children for school (for parents of kindy and pre-primary aged children)

* Sensory Processing in the Classroom

* Effective use of Sensory Tools - a presentation for teachers

* Facilitating Early Developmental Milestones - a presentation for day care staff and parents

* Language and Literacy - when to worry, when not to worry

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